
Steven Pray, PhD, DPh


Weatherford, Oklahoma, USA

The principles of evidence-based medicine have not taken full hold in the realm of nonprescription products and devices.
With national organizations and national pharmacy publications failing to fully address the deficiencies inherent in unproven medications
and therapies, colleges of pharmacy should offer students a full grounding in the precepts of evidence-based medicine
as it relates to unproven medications and therapies.”

W. Steven Pray, MPH, PhD, is Bernhardt Professor of Pharmacy at the University of Oklahoma School of Pharmacy. He has been a leading voice against the teaching of misinformation about herbal and dietary supplements to pharmacists, students, and the public. He is a prolific author on issues pertaining to over-the-counter medications, dietary supplements, and homeopathy. Dr Pray’s writings have also helped bring perspective to the history of pharmacy law and government regulation.

Dr Pray holds a masters in public health (health administration) from the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, and a doctorate in Clinical Pharmacy/Pharmacy Practice from Purdue University. As a contributing editor to the journal US Pharmacist , he has written helpful papers on a myriad array of subjects. He is renowned for his book on over-the-counter pharmacotherapy and for his innovation in the role played by pharmacists in patient triage with regard to self-care decisions for minor conditions.

Selected Books:

book cover Nonprescription Product Therapeutics (Lippincott, 2nd edn, 2005). An encyclopedic reference to over-the-counter medications.

book cover A History of Nonprescription Product Regulation, with Dennis B Worthen (Informa Healthcare, 2003). A fascinating history of the efforts (and resistance) to make non-prescription medications safe and effective.

Selected Publications:


  • National Association of Boards of Pharmacy's Henry Cade Memorial Award, 2008.
  • Rufus A. Lyman Award, 1986.

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